From the desk of a Humble Genius
After a 30-year career in digital technology, I am sharing the wisdom gained, opinions formed and lessons learned about the craft of creating software, the challenges of supporting software, the unique complications of hiring and managing software professionals.
Oh, and some plain-English guides to all kinds of digital technology stuff.
Here's what you can find!

Digital Technology Guides
Guides and lessons and more! For everyone using digital technology at work, at home, or anywhere else: practical guides on how technology works. Usually, with pictures. Sometimes, with humor.

Career Stuff!
A blog! For everyone working in or with Information Technology: I offer guidance and lessons learned from a successful 30+ year career.

Technical Stuff!
Retrospectives, live code, and how I do stuff! For career software professionals: personal experiences and lessons learned from 30 years of performing every role in the software development lifecycle.

How To Be A Humble Genius!
Still more blogging! For anyone and everyone: What it means to be a Humble Genius, and how you can live your life as a Humble Genius, too.

Opinions On Stuff!
The juicy stuff! Thoughts and opinions on all kinds of stuff. Here I speak what's on my mind, but in a humble way.

Startup Stuff!
Even. More. Blogging! I chronicle my experiences starting and running my own company.